Meet the Team

  • LeMonte Gregory


    “I came from a family that struggled to survive, and it was the kindness of teachers, neighbors and family members that I attribute my success to as an adult. So, if I can, even in a small way, give back some of that kindness that was shown me, I’m thrilled for the opportunity.”

  • Kendra Barton


    “I cannot know which acts of kindness will fall on a hard heart and which on a receptive heart. I cannot know when my actions will make no difference and when they will make all the difference. I only know that I am called to act. Do good and don’t worry to whom.”

  • Rob Dombrower


    “Giving is never one-sided, on the contrary. It’s a symbiosis, a harmony, a balance. By giving, we receive the most valuable and precious gifts. It’s been a philosophy I strive to embody at all times - that it’s a divine privilege to serve. Whether it’s one’s time, fortune, or a mere smile.”

  • Don Monroe


    “I believe that contributing to a cause greater than myself provides a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment. It’s not just about giving back, it’s about creating positive change and fostering a sense of community while taking meaningful steps toward building a more compassionate and equitable world.”

  • Gerald Barton


    “Helping others is something I’ve seen modeled my entire life. I’ve been surrounded by some amazing people that are givers, and the best way I know to repay them is to pay it forward to others. When in doubt, always default to kindness.”